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  2. The iEARN site is focused on global, multiple-school-subject, collaborative PBL projects: I’m not sure if iEARN was mentioned by Courtney. Its motto: 'Learn with the world, not just about it.'
    Here the excellent iEarn Teacher’s Guide, you can download:
    iEARN is very attuned in PBL focus to the United Nations SDGs:

    In its core, iEARN is also an invitation to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), and to cross-discipline PBL that involves teachers (and their students) of several school subjects, including TEFL, collaborating together. CLIL as an acronym is nowhere mentioned in the iEARN Teacher’s Guide, but of course 'language' is.
    I think collaboration with other subject teachers in schools (and at universities) should be centrally pursued, in general this often is not happening inside TEFL. Read Ken Robinson's CREATIVE SCHOOLS (2015) for a different notion of 'holistic' education, esp. chap. 6, "What's Worth Knowing?" In any event, you can link up with the many colleagues involved with iEARN. Explore their site.

  3. Hello Greetings from MYANMAR.I'm Min Min Pe.

  4. Hello from Moldova. My students and I participated in an international school partenership project and we created a ebook about our tradition "Martishor". Can I say that it is a product of a project?
